High quality plastic self-adhesive letters and numbers for inside and outside use. You can identify your address on a mail box or at your door, number a property or a house, and name your parking space with these multipurpose self-adhesive stickers.
- Klassen die-cut plastic and vinyl reflective numbers and letters are made in Canada.
Die-Cut 8,3 cm black and white,
Reflective 8,3 cm,
Ree-Flects 8,9 cm and 15 cm
- Klassen PrePack Kit is made in Canada.
6 different sized number or letter kits, white-black or black-gold
- HartPlastic numbers and letters are made in Germany.
Black characters in 1,5 cm, 3 cm, 5 cm, 10 cm, 13 cm and
White characters in 10 cm